Friday, May 18, 2007

First post!

Well, it's my birthday today, so I thought it's the perfect opportunity to start posting. Plus, I'm procrastinating and avoiding study. Well, Mike took the day off today so that we could go for a picnic. But, when we woke up at 9:30 am, it was pouring with rain for the first time in weeks! Of course now it's a perfectly fine day, with wet grass. We had the picnic anyway - on the floor of our living room.

Mike went out and bought the food - including a teacake with "Magic" candles - they keep re-lighting when you blow them out. I suspect they also contain magnesium - bright white sparks keep shooting out every few seconds.
Plans for the rest of the day:

  • Prepare lesson plans (I'm teaching 3 Year 11 Chemistry , 3 Year 7 Science, and 4 Year 10 Science lessons next week).

  • Start assignments (for Science Method, Pedagogies. and Literacy)

Now to actually do it...


Graeme said...

Happy Birthday!

Bummer that it rained so you couldn't do your picnic, but hey shit happens! At least you were still able to have it albeit on your floor!

Hope you didn't do too much work on your Birthday - it was a Friday after all.

kate said...

What's going on?
How come Graeme is more ahead of the game than I am?

I left a comment on facebook already, but I much prefer blogs.

Happy Birthday (again)

Anonymous said...

Hi Alison
Happy birthday for yesterday.
I will have to add yours to all the other blogs that get read regularly

Lisa said...

Hey Alison, I found your blog through Kates blog :) happy Birthday!!!! Gotta love those magic candles LOL

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